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Tim and Sara Born

You can't rescue them all

On the right....widow with 3 children

One of the more difficult things is when you really want to rescue children and you can't. Pictured above is a widow who is struggling to feed children that she was caring for (she got them when a relative died and they needed someone to care for them). We were in the process of rescuing this widow and these 3 children (they weren't eating well and had never attended school). But, before she could join us and bring the children she needed to check with the head of her family. While in the village the family head told her no she couldn't live at GTS. So another family member took the children so they could work in their farm. It's really hard when you know that these children will probably grow up and not be able to read or write and be used mainly as slave labor for this family (a common thing here in Cameroon). I pray that regardless of their station in life that they will come to know the Lord's love and find His saving grace. We run across these situations too often and while we really do want them to stay with family if they can it's just difficult to see. This situation is better than some we have run into. We tried to rescue an infant girl one time and had the heartbreak of finding out later that she died. Pray for the Lord to continue to open up the doors for us to rescue as many children as we can....for the finances to come in, for us to have favor with the children's family and the government. We are so grateful for the chance to be here doing what we do.

Blessings -- Sara


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