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Tim and Sara Born

Fruit from a recent team

We never know what kind of fruit will happen in a persons life when we minister to them. This is especially true of teams that go to foreign mission fields. They go, they minister and they leave. We always try to encourage those who come that they will have a profound and lasting effect on the Cameroonians that they minister to. Not only did the last team that came from Florida in Oct of 2017 put up screens on the windows of the orphanage (which will have a profound effect on the incidents of Malaria...greatly reducing the number of cases at the orphanage), but when they ministered during a Sunday church service at our village church they had eternal fruit come forth. There was a family....whose male head of the house started to attend as a result and started bringing his family. Every week they sit under the Word of God as they attend....growing in their new found relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus!! AND the visiting Pastor preached a message encouraging those who were there to GO and make disciples of their neighbors. That message had a profound effect on the children at the orphanage who decided to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. They began to GO and share the love of God and His Word in their neighboring villages as well as their own. As a result (and remember as I write this it has been just over 2 months since the team was here) a new church has been started in one of those neighboring villages. God is so good!!! So yes....the team had a profound and lasting impact on not just the village they ministered in but the neighboring villages also. WOW!!! Keep these GTS children in your prayers....they have caught the vision of GOing. In January 2018 we will GO and share in a village about 4 hours from the orphanage while we are also helping to build a home with our new block making machine. We are believing that the Lord will continue to use these children to win many souls to the Lord

Blessings -- Sara

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