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Remembering the goodness of God!

It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day battles that life brings our way that we lose sight of all that the Lord is doing in our lives and through us. I know that I am particularily blessed to need to produce a video every 2 years or so to share in churches. I put together pictures and videos we have taken of things that are happening (this time around it's at the orphanage, village water projects, the Bible College etc...). Figure some kind of theme, find a song to show it with and then spend weeks putting this picture in, taking this one out....tweeking, tweeking and more tweeking.

Then I will show it to Tim and see what he's about this time that the Lord speaks to my heart....your life here in Cameroon is making a difference, I am using you to impact lives....oh how sweet the gentle whispered voice of the Lord. I so need to remember that even in the midst of battles (some intense), disappointments, struggles etc.... that the Lord is still doing a good work in and through me. He is not limited. It's no wonder that we are exhorted to set our mind on things above and not on the earth and to remember that we are indeed seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. That position gives us a great advantage to see our lives from His perspective. When we allow ourselves to be "earth bound" our view is limited to what is around us (the battles etc...). Lord help me live heavenly minded so that I will be more useful here on earth.

Blessings -- Sara

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