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God's Word Stands Alone

What an awesome God we faithful He is towards us. Since arriving back to Cameroon early August I have been experiencing physical attack after physical attack. Yes....spiritual warfare is real. Here in Cameroon it is an accepted fact of life (there is no wondering whether there is an enemy here since most Cameroonians have been steeped in spiritualism from childhood).Thank God we do our warfare from a place of victory and in His righteousness and power. I have had a bad respiratory infection that laid me up for a week, malaria, a bad head cold/flu...with fever, vomiting etc.... Now today when Tim was giving the message at a church and I can't attend because I woke up with bad vertigo, a sore throat, weepy eyes (typical for sinus infection). Lord....what is going on!!

The temptation is there to wonder....where am I missing it, doesn't God love me, am I out of His will. However.....we have something lasting and sure that we can stand on....God's Word! Regardless of my circumstances, regardless of my feelings/sicknesses etc.... God's Word remains true. All of the physical trials don't negate the truth that: "By Jesus' stripes I am healed" I Pe 2:24. He still provides for all of our needs even when cirsumstances might be screaming the opposite. One of the greatest acts of love and worship I think that we can give to God is to believe Him and His Word in spite of our circumstances. To continue forward in our walk with Him....I press on towards the goal....Phil 3:14. So let us love God and believe Him especially during the difficult times and let us watch Him bring us through every time with a testimony of His goodness that will help set others free!

Blessings -- Sara

Tim and I on GTS property

One of the fun things we get to do is bringing the children boxes of goodies that sponsors send

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