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Tim and Sara Born

A Longing Fulfilled!!

Prov 13:12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (NIV)

The Living Bible says it this way:

 Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when dreams come true at last, there is life and joy.

Tim traveled to the remote village of Ntseimbang in May of 2014 with the desire to provide a well for them. When the well drilling company was unable to do a hand bore hole well we were so disappointed. But when we saw the villagers celebrating the well and had to tell them they would have to again wait for the well it was heartbreaking. We would have to raise funds to do a different type of well. 8 months later the funds were provided, 1 month after that the funds were in Cameroon, 2 weeks of back breaking digging and 2 more weeks of waiting for cement to harden enough to use: and finally on March 31, 2015 we arrive back in the village for the unveiling ceremony/celebration. Here is the longing fulfilled….the villagers of 2 villages now have clean drinking water and we have seen the fulfillment of an almost 10 year desire to provide wells for remote villages come to pass with the opening of our first well. Praise the Lord!!! We have now seen a new phase of our ministry here in Cameroon come to pass.

Blessings -- Sara


The spring the 2 villages used                       Children learning the importance of washing their hands


Unveiling the new pump/well                                               PTL! Clean driinking water at last


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